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← → ↑ ↓ ↔ ↕ ↖ ↗ ↘ ↙
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⇦ ⇨ ⇧ ⇩ ⬄ ⇳ ⬀ ⬁ ⬂ ⬃
⬅ ➡ ⬆ ⬇ ⬈ ⬉ ⬊ ⬋ ⬌ ⬍
⇠ ⇡ ⇢ ⇣ ⇤ ⇥
↰ ↱ ↲ ↳ ⬐ ⬎ ⬑ ⬏ ↴ ↵
⇽ ⇾ ⇿
➔ ➘ ➙ ➚
⤡ ⤢ ⤣ ⤤ ⤥ ⤦ ⤪ ⤨ ⤧ ⤩ ⤭ ⤮ ⤯ ⤰ ⤱ ⤲ ⤫ ⤬
⤶ ⤷ ⤴ ⤵
↩ ↪ ↫ ↬
 ↶ ↷ ⤾ ⤿ ⤸ ⤹ ⤺ ⤻
↺ ↻ ⥀ ⥁ ⟲ ⟳
▲ ▼ ◀ ▶


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‘ ’ ‚
“ ” „
« »

§ 00A7 section
¶ 00B6 paragraph
· 00B7 interpunct, middle dot
¼ 00BC one-quarter
½ 00BD one-half
¾ 00BE three-quarters
‒ 2012 figure dash
– 2013 en dash
— 2014 em dash
― 2015 quotation dash
‘ 2018 left single quote
’ 2019 right single quote, apostrophe
‚ 201A single low quote
“ 201C left double quote
” 201D right double quote
„ 201E double low quote
† 2020 dagger
‡ 2021 double dagger
• 2022 bullet
… 2026 ellipsis
‽ 203D interrobang
⁂ 2042 asterism
™ 2122 trademark
® 00AE registered trade mark

← 2190 left arrow
↑ 2191 up arrow
→ 2192 right arrow
↓ 2193 down arrow
↩ 21A9 carriage return symbol
␣ 2423 space symbol
□ 25A1 square
★ 2605 starf, bigstar, black star
☆ 2606 white star
⛤ 26E4 pentagram
☛ 261B black right pointing finger
☞ 261E white right pointing finger
☺ 263A smily
☹ 2639 sad face
⚜ 269C fleur-de-lys
✓ 2713 check mark
✗ 2717 cross mark
⸺ 2E3A two-em dash
⸻ 2E3B three-em dash
〃 3003 ditto


× U+00D7 Multiplication
÷ U+00F7 Division
∕ U+2215 Division slash
∑ U+2211 Summation
λ U+03BB Lambda
∩ U+2229 Intersection
∪ U+222A Union
∫ U+222B Integral
∴ U+2234 Therefore
≠ U+2260 Not equal to
≈ U+224B Approximately equal to
≉ U+2249 Not approximately equal to
≤ U+2264 Less than or equal to
≥ U+2265 Less than or equal to
⊂ U+2282 Subset
⊃ U+2283 Superset
⊨ U+22A8 True
⊭ U+22AD False

Fractions :

⅐ 2150 one-seventh
⅑ 2151 one-ninth
⅒ 2152 one-tenth
⅓ 2153 one-third
⅔ 2154 two-thirds
⅕ 2155 one-fifth
⅖ 2156 two-fifths
⅗ 2157 three-fifths
⅘ 2158 four-fifths
⅙ 2159 one-sixth
⅚ 215A five-sixths
⅛ 215B one-eighth
⅜ 215C three-eighths
⅝ 215D five-eighths
⅞ 215E seven-eighths
⅟ 215F fraction numerator one

Exposants : ⁻ ⁰ ¹ ² ³ ⁴ ⁵ ⁶ ⁷ ⁸ ⁹

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